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Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross, Omagh

World Book Day

3rd Mar 2022

The children had a fun and busy day. They were fortunate that ‘World Book Day’ occurred on the same day as we welcomed James with the ‘Mobile Schools Library’. This service was unable to return for almost 2 years due to COVID 19. So the children were delighted!

The girls and boys enjoyed coming to school, dressed up for ‘World Book Day 2022’.  Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, enjoyed sharing their favourite books and were delighted to ‘hot seat’ and answer questions about their favourite books/characters.

We had an interesting display of many characters in Key Stage 2, who enjoyed telling their class friends about their favourite book/author  (‘selling’ it to them effectively!). At school, we promote reading for pleasure and every child is offered the opportunity to explore their love of reading, by taking part in ‘World Book Day’.