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Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross, Omagh

Tyrone Star, Richie Donnelly Arrives!

5th Apr 2022

The children were delighted today when Tyrone Star, Richard Donnelly visited Drumduff Primary School. Richard is the proud Founder of Natur & Co. which is based at Youth Sport, Killyclogher. Richard, from Natur & Co. promotes health and well-being. Richard talked to the pupils about making healthy food choices in life; an element of preparation for outdoor sports.  Richard shared with the children about how he prepares mentally and physically before he plays his football.  He also advised the children on his choice of food before playing sports. 

Richard talked to the children about his experience of attending a small, rural Primary  school similar to Drumduff Primary School.  He reminded the children about making healthy choices for their breaks/snacks and packed lunches, as they prepare for their school day on a daily basis. 

The children enjoyed having their photograph taken with Richard as he spoke to them about how he began P.1. as a little boy! The children worked as a team to line up from up P.1. to P.7., reminding each other, of the importance of healthy choices and physical activities, in order to grow taller in life, just like Richard! However, Fiachra was not so sure about this, as he stood small beside Richard for a photograph! 

Key Stage 2 shared their experience of creating an outdoor gym with the outdoor equipment and resources around their school playground, in order to promote outdoor activities/learning.

Richard’s interest in healthy and well-being, is very much related to the ‘Northern Ireland Curriculum’.  The children enjoyed an ‘open question’ session with Richard, which related to my aspects of their curriculum including WAU, PDMU, Physical Education and Healthy Me. To finish off a most enjoyable session, Richard shared a few football skills with the children.

We thank Mrs. Judith Mc Elholm for organising this visit, which was thoroughly enjoyed by both pupils and staff.