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Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross, Omagh

Spring has arrived at Drumduff Primary School!

2nd Mar 2023

Mrs. Goan used the topic of ‘Spring’ to help the children decorate their biscuits with the colours of the ‘daffodils’.  The children examined closely the spring flowers around the school.  The children enjoyed creating their own daffodils using the coloured icing for their biscuits. This lesson created a lovely discussion about Spring and the flowers which grow in Spring. We had lots of amazing daffodil biscuits at the end of the lesson!

This also related to their ‘Grow In Love’ story ‘Ruby Rook’s Spring Challenge’.  The children looked closely at the snowdrop bulb and appreciated how it changes from a bulb to a beautiful flower during Spring.  The children shared ideas of what the bulb needs, to grow into a beautiful snowdrop!