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Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross, Omagh

Daithi's birthday treat March 2020.🎉

6th May 2020

Mrs. Darcy’s class enjoyed welcoming back past pupils, Ruairi Kerr and Darragh Mullan to their class on work experience. The boys had a busy week in the different classes, helping many girls and boys with their learning activities and playing some football and handball as well.  

We also welcomed Seana Clarke, a past pupil too, for work experience from Dean Maguirc College.  Seana also got to work with all classes during her time with us.  The children thoroughly enjoyed Seana working with them. 

Thank you to Ruairi, Darragh and Seana - we were glad that you chose Drumduff Primary School for your work experience.