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Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross, Omagh

Catch up with the staff of Drumduff Primary School.

12th May 2020

Hello to all the girls and boys at Drumduff Primary School.  I hope you are all keeping well at home with your families.  I am keeping busy - visiting school regularly but it is not the same without you all.  Thanks to the girls and boys who have shared photographs with the staff.  We love to see how you are keeping busy.  I find lots of things to do daily.  I have more time to cook now.  I recently enjoyed a litter pick on Drumlester Road (where I had many happy memories growing up), with the extended Farley family.  I am really looking forward to all the girls and boys returning to Drumduff Primary School from Mrs. Darcy.

Bernie, our classroom assistant is keeping busy at home with her new granddaughter, Holly, who was born in December 2019.  She does not get to see Holly as much as she would like to due to the Coronavirus.  Bernie also enjoys getting out for a walk around Drumduff.  Bernie, sometimes pops down to school to do some cleaning (like emptying out our not so clean fridge P.1./2/3/4 !!!).  She also waters the flowers at school.  She says that school is very different without the buzz of all the girls and boys.  Like us all, she is looking forward to returning to school in better times.


Mrs. Mc Swiggan is keeping busy at home with her family.  She enjoys walking in the countryside too.  She sends a big hello to all the children from Drumduff Primary School.  She hopes that you are keeping busy with home learning but also making time to enjoy outdoor learning when the weather is so good.  She says that this term at school was always busy preparing for ‘First Holy Communion’ and recording the results from our annual ‘Sports Day’.  She hopes that lockdown will be lifted in the near future so that we can all meet up again.


Miss Mc Aroe is very busy at home with her four young boys.  Joey, the eldest, is in P.2. so they have home learning daily.  She keeps busy with her other three boys who enjoy getting outdoors, to play football; when home learning is over.  She hopes the girls and boys are keeping safe and well at home.  Miss Mc Aroe has plenty of housework to do with four young children and she has a lot of cooking to do as well.  She has enjoyed seeing photographs of the children from school on twitter.

Mrs. Leddy, our school secretary keeps herself busy around her home.  She loves to get outside to work with her plants in the garden.  She had this little green house delivered to her home recently.  She has planted peas, beans, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, onions, chilli plants and potatoes.  She says that she will keep us updated regularly on the progress of her plants and vegetables. She is looking forward  to seeing the gates opening up at Drumduff Primary School.